Organise your events your own way.

With Kirgawa you can organize, customize and personalize your events in your own way and also to your own taste.

Kirgawa features

Check out Kirgawa’s outstanding features.

Follow your schedule.

Follow your schedule.

Don’t skip or forget your schedule.

Communication: Remind event planners about their events based on notification setting for the event, weekly/biweekly depending on the size and scope of your event.

Todo list: List of what is needed for the events (item name, delivery date, status). Notify user about deliver date.

Calendar: Gives you the ability to see your team’s schedules, so you can effectively schedule meetings when everyone is available.

Protect and secure your events.

Protect and secure your events.

You can always protect and restrict certain contents.

Protected registration: Allows evcent organizers to set up password-protected registration for certain events or ertain ticket types, to restrict access to only authorized individuals.

Protected content: Allows event organizers to password protect certain content, such as presentations or whitepapers, to restrict access to only authorized individuals.

Two-factor authentication: Allows event organizers to implement Two-Factor Authentication as an additional layer of security, where in addition to a password, a second form of identification is required, such as a fingerprint scan, a text message or a phone call.

Set a reminder.

Set a reminder.

Don’t skip or forget your schedule.

Share: Share with guests, teammates, and others outside theevent planning committee.

Pages: List of what is needed for the events (item name, delivery date, status). Notify user about deliver date. Get a unique page dedicated to your event.

Live meetings: Hold live meetings with planners and record them directly.

Communicate and share.

Communicate and share.

Share resources with your team and guests.

Moodboard: Share with guests, teammates, and others outside theevent planning committee.This will help them to add snippets during event research, links, comments, videos, etc can be kept here so they can be shared with their team.

Send notes: Event organizers can send out notes or reminders to the guests about the event such as time, location, dress code, parking instructions or any other important information that the guest should know before attending.

Event chat box: Attendees can communicate with one another during the event, this could be through a chat box or any other form of instant messaging. This feature could be useful for attendees who are looking to network or connect with others who have similar interests. This feature could be especially useful for virtual events where attendee are not in the same physical location.

Reports and feedbacks.

Reports and feedbacks.

Get reports and feedbacks from your guests.

Live polls or survey: Provide the ability to conduct live polls or surveys during the event, this will allow the event organizer to get feedback or get a sense of the opinion of the attendees.

Attendee feedback: Allow event organizers to provide password-protected surveys or feedback forms, so attendees can provide feedback on the event, sessions or sponsors in a confidential way.

Report and analytics: Event organizers can track ticket sales to sponsors, and generate reports on sponsor engagement and ROI, this will help event organizers to measure the success of the sponsor's participation, and plan for future events.

Ticket control.

Ticket control.

Organizers will have controls over their tickets.

Ticket resale/transfer: The app could include a feature that allows attendees to resell or transfer their tickets to someone else if they are unable to attend the event.

Ticket Scanning: Allows event staff to scan tickets at the event to verify the identity of the attendees and grant them access to the event, this could be done by scanning a barcode or QR code on the ticket.

Automatic ticket expiration: The app could include a feature that allows event organizers to set automatic expiration for a certain type of ticket after a certain date, this will help the event organizers to release unsold tickets and also prevent fraud.

Sponsorship benefits.

Sponsorship benefits.

Sponsors will get their own benefits advantages.

Sponsored ticket: Sponsors can purchase a certain number of tickets at a discounted rate, as a way of supporting the event and increasing their visibility among attendees.

Customizable access: Event organizers can create customizable access levels for the sponsors, depending on their level of sponsorship. This could include access to certain sessions, or VIP areas of the event.

Attendee list access: Sponsors could be given access to an attendee list, which includes the contact information for attendees, to allow them to connect and network with attendees during the event.


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